ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES - LLP | Muneeb Zafar - Managing Partner

Muneeb Zafar is Managing Partner, Cyber Security Strategist, Systems & Web Connoisseur, Technical Trainer and Visiting Law Professor who addicted with Info-Tech since 1982.
Over 30 years of experience in Information Systems and Telecommunication Industry, Skilled in both technical and administrative supervision, have worked with distinguished corporate sectors and IT consulting companies, managing LAN / WAN technologies and have gained extensive technological and interpersonal experience from distinct variations of clients. He has proven his abilities to grasp quickly and ideally suited for the projects that are challenging both technically and politically.
Apart from above, he has extensible experience in corporate practice i.e. Starting a Business, Contract Enforcement, Corporate Governance, Hiring & Firing of Workers, Trade Agreements and Commercial Services.
Specialties: Administrative, Corporate and Aviation Law Practice, Systems Engineering, Database Administration, Project Management, Technical Support, Litigation Support, Graphic & Interface Designing, SEO Content Management and Implementing Operational Policies.
Career History

ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES - LLP | Managing Partner
January 1996 – Present | Lahore, PakistanHaving over 30 years of experience successfully practicing administrative, corporate, commercial and aviation law, representing Pakistan and international businesses in a wide range of matters, such as:
Legal expertise on establishing strategic alliances and corporate logistic support;
Legal expertise on contract enforcement and construction permits;
Legal expertise on corporate governance and corporatisation affairs;
Legal expertise on drafting / vetting of aerospace and aviation contracts;
Legal expertise on deployment of technological projects and services; and
Legal expertise on doing business and related projects.

Prae Legal | Member Advisory Committee
August 2013 – Present | Cologne Area, GermanyActing as advisory committee member of world's top score alliance of independent law firms. Responsible for managing PraeLegal's social media programmes, its’ promotion and syndication through web based mechanism, for the determination as to procurement of business by interactive means.

EM Studios | Management Lead
December 2015 – Present | Lahore, PakistanWhile playing the role at the instant organisational unit, I'm overall responsible for the leads, ranging from domain based services to search engine optimisation, digital photography to technical graphic works, GDPR to technical training etcetera.

Digital Fly Studios | Technical Support Manager
October 2008 – Present | Lahore, PakistanBeing a technical support manager I thrive in pressure situations and can be counted on when a scenario gets tough. Skilled in systems administration, network security, file servers, database administration, and workstations and other related systems. Takes pride in providing creative direction and out of the box thinking as to GFX work. Enjoys complex, multi faceted assignments where pulling together a collaborative pool of skills is essential. Fosters a lively and professional work environment and values commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer service.

United Traders International | Technical Support Manager
May 2001 – August 2004 | Lahore, PakistanConsultant of small to enterprise level customers providing BackOffice solutions along with internet / intranet development. Provided solution architectures based on Windows Server, BackOffice and high availability intranet. Turnkey and office automation solutions development in Access, ASP, SQL, Outlook Forms and E-Commerce. Specialisation in Microsoft based ISPs / ASPs, BackOffice / FrontOffice including Active Directory, Exchange and VPN Solutions. High availability specialist in Gateway, DELL and Sun Spark Server Systems. Recruited or requested assignment of best assembled personnel, reviewed project reports and schedule status at each phase. Technical training for administrative and management staff and prepared monthly status report for management.

St. Anthony's Group of Schools & Colleges | Project Manager
July 2001 – October 2002 | Lahore, PakistanProject management in the areas of design and implementation involving windows domain architectures. Running in-charge of installation, configuration of domain controllers and member servers, management of network infrastructure and lead the team of system engineers for related projects. Preparation of activity plans, feasibility reporting and project analysis. Analysing requirements and defining solution architecture for database and web based content. Technical training for staff members concerning desktop operating systems and network sharing issues.

NICON Center of Computer Sciences | Faculty Member & Systems Admin.
February 1999 – May 2001 | Lahore, PakistanDesigned and implemented windows based networks for more efficiently and functional diversity. Performed upgrades of Microsoft's NT based networks to Active Directory Solutions as introduced by Microsoft in 2000. Implementation of messaging system through Exchange Server and user database. Worked efficiently and effectively as team member on network troubleshooting and administrative tasks. Provided network support for special projects in Microsoft Certified Solutions Provider (MCSP).
Professional IT trainer for Microsoft Certified Technical Education Center (CTEC) - systems engineering, networking and enterprise technologies. Training regarding SQL Server administration, designing and implementation of e-commerce solutions. Network administration for Microsoft CTEC.

ZAFCO International Ltd. | Systems & Database Administrator
March 1997 – September 1999 | Lahore, PakistanSystems and database administration for offshore IT solutions provider. Analysing requirements and defining network solution architectures. Planning and implementing medium sized corporate environment through Microsoft BackOffice Server Solutions. Responsible for troubleshooting, maintenance and worked in team situations providing technical support. Successfully solved vast array of software applications and related issues.

NEXIA International | Systems Analyst & Desktop Specialist
April 1995 – January 1997 | Lahore, PakistanSystem analysis and design for a chartered accountant firm. Installation, configuration and troubleshooting client workstations. Successfully initialised business accountancy software and technical assistance in concerned projects.
Volunteer Experience & Causes

Welfare Organisation for Women | Lecturer & Finance Secretary
1999 | Human RightsSystem analysis and design for a chartered accountant firm. Installation, configuration and troubleshooting client workstations. Successfully initialising business accountancy software and technical assistance in concerned projects.
Honors & Awards
Accomplishment of Modules on Procedural Practice
Punjab Law College | March 1996Awarded the set of books on Extra-Ordinary Legal Remedies and Major Acts on account of accomplishing modules on Procedural Practice.
Extra-Curricular Activities Award
Punjab Law College | May 1996Awarded the Certificate of Merit alongside the Shield on outstanding performance in Extra-curricular activities.
Contribution Award at College Law Moots
Punjab Law College | August 1996Awarded the Shield on outstanding performance in Law Moots.
Awarded on American History
US Consulate | September 1994For successfully fulfilling the requirements of a special courseware in American History.
Educational Qualifications
LL.M. - Legal Studies | The Superior University
2015 – 2017 | Lahore, PakistanThesis topic: Franchising : A Preferable Approach for the Growth of Business Today; • Perpetual research work in preparation and sharing of lectures; and • Contribution in extra-curricular activities within the institution.
BCS & MCS - Computer Sciences | Allied Computer Training Institute
1992 – 1997 | Lahore, PakistanSuccessful accomplishment of development projects in each session; • Organised research modules for entire team; and • Established a LAN for administrative department of the institution.
LL.B. - Legal Studies | Punjab Law College - University of the Punjab
1993 – 1996 | Lahore, PakistanConsistent impact in participating the law moot programmes; • Perpetual research work in preparation of lecture notes for juniors; and • Significant contribution of extra-curricular activities inside the college campus.
B.Com. - Commerce & Accountancy | Hailey College of Commerce - University of the Punjab
1991 – 1993 | Lahore, PakistanBusiness communication and report writing; • Auditing and cost accountancy; and • Contribution as to extra-curricular activities inside the college campus.
Professional Certifications
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer + Internet (MCSE+Internet)
Modules Covered: Windows NT 4.0 Workstation and Server; • Server Enterprise Solutions; • Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol; • BackOffice Server 4.5 which contained Windows NT Server 4.0 SP4, Internet Information Services 4.0, Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 SP2, Microsoft SMS 2.0, Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 SP2, Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0, Microsoft Index Server 2.0, Microsoft Transaction Server 2.0, Internet Explorer 5.0 Administration Kit, Microsoft FrontPage 2000, and Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0.
Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA)
Modules Covered: Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server, Datacenter Server; • Server Enterprise Solutions; • Internet Commerce Server 2000; • BackOffice Server 2000 included Windows 2000 Server, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Microsoft SMS 2.0, Microsoft Exchange Server 2000, Microsoft ISA Server 2000, and Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000.
Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA)
Modules Covered: Windows 2000 Professional and Server; • Server Enterprise Solutions; • SQL Server 2000 Administration; and • SQL Server 2000 Designing & Implementation.
Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)
Modules Covered: Windows 95; • Windows NT Workstation 4.0; • Windows NT Server 4.0; and • Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol.
Articles & Lecture Notes

The Impact of Corporate Governance
Article: Corporate GovernanceCorporate governance is the system, set of rules or procedure by which companies / corporations are operated and organised. In a nutshell, corporate governance refers to the arrangements and progressions for the trajectory and control of companies / corporations. It connotes the relationships amongst the administrative board, managerial team, shareholders and other stakeholders.

Lecture Notes: Concept and Sources of LawLecture Notes on Jurisprudence, covering the subject matter of Concept of Law along with the Sources of Law. Multi-dimensional insights from distinctive formalists, realists, positivists and socialists within the realm of natural, common, analytical and modern laws.

Tort Law
Lecture Notes: Negligence | Duty of CareLecture notes based on the subject of Negligence, an essential part of Law of Torts. The entire concept is explained through examples alongside the most recent case-laws of distinct jurisdictions.

Constitutional Law
Lecture Notes: The Rule of LawLecture Notes on Constitutional Law, describing about the Rule of Law along with the applicability of Due Process of Law on distinctive jurisdictions across the globe.