ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES - LLP | Dr Ilyas Zafar - Senior Partner

Dr Ilyas Zafar is the Founder of ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES - LLP, Founder Member of Prae Legal, Senior Economist & Political Analyst, Senior Lawyer & Partner, International Tax Laws Expert, Expert Witness and Senior Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan. Law Practice Experience encompasses the period 1975 to date. Extensive experience in Constitutional Law, Corporate Governance, Tax Laws, Family & Inheritance Law and other Civil & Criminal Matters before the Districts Courts, Tribunals, High Courts and Supreme Court of Pakistan. A long list of reported judgments of the represented cases is in his credit.
Member Lahore High Court Bar, Lahore Tax Bar and Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan, American Bar Association, New York, American Society of International Law, World Jurist Association, Washington, World Association of Lawyers, International Bar Association, London, International Law Association, International Tax Planning Association, Rotterdam, International Association of Constitutional Law, Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London and International Fiscal Association. Member Executive Committees of Tax Bar and High Court Bar Associations. Member of American Bar Association (ABA) Committees for Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR), Advocacy in Litigation Practice, Tax Matters, Arbitration and Intellectual Property. Awarded Certificate of “Leader in Pursuit of Professional Excellence and the Effective Delivery of Justice” by American Bar Association.
Specialties: Founder of ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES - LLP, Founder Member of Prae Legal, Senior Economist & Political Analyst, Senior Lawyer & Partner, International Tax Laws Expert, Expert Witness and Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan.
Law Practice & Core Competencies

ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES - LLP | Founder & Senior Partner
1975 – Present (More than 45 years) | Lahore, PakistanHaving more than 45 years of experience successfully practicing administrative, corporate, commercial and tax, representing Pakistan and international businesses in a wide range of matters, such as:
Steering the overall litigation and opinion work alongside the administrative affairs of the law firm;
Legal Advisor / Consultant for various Government, Semi-Government Departments;
Advisor to Corporate Bodies including International Finance Corporation, John Hopkins University, London Metropolitan University, Cambridge University, Jhpiego and ACCA;
Heading the Research and Publication Wing;
In-charge of professional training programmes, workshops and seminars;
Chief Monitor of Foreign Projects and Assignments;
Negotiating with potential clients and finalising the agreement on behalf of the law firm;
Arbitrator in various arbitration references and proceedings;
Team Leader in the project “Doing Business, Investment Climate in Pakistan” undertaken by the experts / attorneys of the law firm in the areas including:
Starting a Business
Corporate Governance
Hiring & Firing of Workers
Construction Licensing
Insolvency Case Study
Debt Recovery Procedure
Contract Enforcement
Insurance, Taxation Laws and Regulatory Regime
In-charge banking affairs and litigation SME Bank Limited (retainer-ship services) and SMEDA (Consultant);
Overseeing the legal affairs of Multinational Companies (a detailed list can had from law firm website);
Alternate Dispute Resolution Committee, proactive role as member (American Bar Association);
Country Manager – Total Point of Contact (an organisation dealing in Work Permit and related affairs); and
Human Rights, Fundamental Rights under Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973.

Prae Legal | Founder Member
August 2013 – Present (3 years 2 months) | Cologne Area, GermanyFounder member of world's top score alliance of independent law firms.
Volunteer Experience & Causes

Welfare Organisation for Women | Chief Patron
1999 | Human RightsActed as Chief Patron & Supporter of the Welfare Organisation for Women.
Professional Memberships
Member Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan
Member High Court Bar Association, Lahore
Member All Pakistan Tax Bar Association
Member Tax Bar Association, Lahore
Member Tax Bar Association, Sialkot
Member International Bar Association, London
Member American Bar Association, New York
Member International Law Association
Member International Tax Planning Association, Rotterdam
Member International Association of Constitutional Law
Member International Fiscal Association
Member American Society of International Law
Member World Jurist Association, Washington
Member World Association of Lawyers
Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London
Member Executive Committees of Tax Bars and High Court Bar Associations
Member of American Bar Association (ABA) Committees for Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR), Advocacy in Litigation Practice, Tax Matters, Arbitration and Intellectual Property
Educational Qualifications
P.D.B.A. - Business Administration (Taxation) | International University
1985 | Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Awarded degree of Post Doctorate in Business Administration (Taxation) by writing thesis "Taxation as a Factor in Economic Development".
LL.B. - Legal Studies | University Law College - University of the Punjab
1977 | Lahore, Pakistan
D.A.L. - Arbitration Law | Pakistan Council of Legal Education & Research
1977 | Karachi, Pakistan
D.B.A. - Business Administration | The School of Accountancy
1974 | Regent House, 2 West Regent Street, Glasgow C2, UK
Ph.D. - Development Economics | Sussex College of Technology
1973 | Highfiled, Dane Hill, Haywards Heath, Sussex, RH177EX, England
Awarded the distinction of Doctor of Philosophy in Development Economics by writing thesis "State Enterprise in Developing Economy".
M.A. (Eco.) - Masters in Economics | University of the Punjab
1969 | Lahore, Pakistan
D.I.L.L. - Industrial & Labour Laws | Pakistan Institute of Legal Affairs
1967 | Karachi, Pakistan
B.Com. - Commerce & Accountancy | University of Karachi
1966 | Karachi, Pakistan
Summary of Achievements

Doing Business Projects - Obstacles to Growth | The Regional Studies
2005 - 2015 | AdministratorMonitored the Team in the specific areas assigned by the Investment & Climate Department (World Bank Group). Supervised the concerned Consultant Attorney in the completion of survey regarding the procedures and legal formalities involved in starting a business, company formation, transactions with banking and other financial institutions, commercial registry and land registration systems. The input rendered as Team Leader has been acknowledged and the results formulated have been made part of the Annual Report of World Bank regarding Investment Climate in the Region.

Doing Business Projects - Investment Climate | The Regional Studies
2005 - 2018 | SupervisorMonitored the Team in the specific areas assigned by the Investment & Climate Department (World Bank Group). Scrutinised the work of Civil Law and Corporate Consultants who conducted surveys in the realm of Contract Enforcement with particular reference to the procedures and laws applicable in four major cities. The Survey Report has since been approved and has been translated in the Annual Report of the World Bank. Summary of the Report can also be browsed at the Website of the Bank.

Doing Business Projects - Corporate Governance | The Regional Studies
2005 - 2020 | Team LeaderOverseeing the work of expert Attorney/Consultant and finalization of Survey Report. An extensive study was conducted in the light of Survey Proforma as to the laws and procedures involved in the existing structure of Corporate Governance in Pakistan with special emphasis as for foreign investors and the fabric of regulatory regime in said four major cities of Pakistan. Scanned the voluminous law and reports on relevant issues including administrative, financial and litigation affairs in business and commercial ventures. Critical analysis was made in other related concerns like obtaining of various licenses, liaising with government agencies and departments and hiring and firing of workers.

Doing Business Projects - Property Rights & Bankruptcy | The Regional Studies
2005 - 2019 | Team ManagerSupervised the work of Attorneys and Consultants and after necessary vetting and improvements, the Survey Reports were prepared. In depth analysis of the laws and procedures in the domain of property rights and bankruptcy was made. Various case studies were conducted and the results thereof were incorporated in the Survey Report. An elaborate study of various modalities and options with specific emphasis on debtor, secured creditors and the issues arising in the event of insolvencies / bankruptcies were diagnosed and remedial courses of actions were dilated upon. The evolution of judicial system of Pakistan was thrashed in the given perspective.

Outsourcing of Legal Functions | Islamabad & Peshawar
2004 - 2005 | Chief ConsultantSupervising and conducting the legal affairs as to various banking transactions. Was appointed as the Chief Consultant to oversee the work of the Bank, provided in-house Lawyers for various branches of the bank and monitored their work on case to case basis. Assisted the Bank in the security of their transactions and supervised the scrutiny of record of various securities and collaterals. Drafting of Deeds and Agreements in various Banking transactions so as to protect and safeguard the rights of the creditors vis a vis the debtors.

Alternate Dispute Resolution Mechanisms | Lahore, Islamabad & Karachi
2004 - 2016 | Arbitrator & MediatorRendered consultancy services to various clients/ departments for the resolution of disputes through various alternate remedies. Has long standing experience in ADR and has accreditation and membership of various Organisations, has worked on many assignments for the resolution of disputes through alternative mechanisms. Has worked as an Arbitrator in many references and his contributions has been recognised by various local and international bodies.

SMEDA Network of Legal Services | Lahore
2004 - 2005 | Consultant & Legal CounselRendering advice to various entrepreneurs in their issues concerning loan, financing, bankruptcy & insolvency etc. Imparted consultancy services with regard to formulation of projects in various categories. Being the largest Law Firm in Pakistan and by the dint of his position as Senior Partner has been rendering multiple services under the umbrella of SMEDA. Zafar & Associates LLP has as many as Fourteen Branch Offices in Major Cities of Pakistan with cent percent coverage of the entire country and the law firm is extensively providing expert services to various indigenous industries.

Legal Consultancy Services to All Pakistan Contractors Association (APCA)
1995 - 2005 | Chief Legal Advisor & ConsultantAPCA is the representative body of major construction companies and services have been rendered to the contractors/Directors of the management in their legal-cum-business issues. In the capacity of Chief Legal Advisor has been rendering services in the diversified issues of contractors. In the various meetings and workshops of APCA, rendered positive assistance in various contentious issues. Has been performing lead role in the litigation and disputes of the contractors before various courts and Tribunals and their further settlement through arbitration and other alternative modes.

Welfare Organization for Women (WOW)
1998 - 2005 | Patron-in-ChiefEvaluating, Monitoring and Projecting the Welfare Projects of the Organization. WOW is a voluntary organization working mainly for the cause of women and children and there are various projects functional with specified aims and objects. His main responsibilities have been to oversee the operational activities of the projects. Further details can be had from the website

ZAFCO - Business & Investment Facilitation Centre
2004 onwards | Senior ConsultantFor the assistance of local and foreign investors, the said facilitation centre has since been established for rendering required assistance on project to project basis. Zafar & Associates LLP, the largest Law Firm of the country was incepted by him in the year 1975. Out of his practical experiences, the idea of establishing a business and investment facilitation centre was conceived and he materialized it in the year 2004. By the dint of Professional niche and with the aid and coordination of team members, ZAFCO has achieved the status of being the pioneer institution rendering multifarious services to the business community. Further details can be had at the relevant website:
Detailed Tasks Assigned
Review current laws including Islamic laws, regulations, and practices relating to secured transactions in Pakistan and identify major gaps;
Consult with stakeholders in assessing the impediments in establishing an effective secured transactions regime;
Within the overall guidance of State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), the implementing agency, organize a consensus-building workshop and develop the workshop program and agenda;
Organize expert resource persons who will participate as needed in the stakeholder workshop and also act as resource persons at the workshop;
Prepare a draft secured transactions reform framework with legal, economic, and institutional annotations tailored for Pakistan, experience from other countries including two developing countries that have undertaken such reforms and prepare an accessible comparison matrix, stakeholder workshops inputs; specifically review the experiences of other countries, including two developing countries, for enhancing governance in secured financing and identify lessons and harmonize the draft secured transactions reform framework with laws on social protection of debtors, including consumer protection laws as well as efforts to strengthen a market based economy.
Within the overall guidance of SBP organize a workshop to discuss the draft secured transactions reform framework; develop the workshop program and agenda; and incorporate workshop findings in the draft secured transactions reform framework, as appropriate;
In coordination with other experts recruited under this technical assistance (TA), assist Ministry of Finance (MOF), the executing agency, and SBP in identifying two countries for the study-visits for secured transactions legal and registration systems; assist MOF and SBP in organizing the study-visits; develop a detailed study-visit programs; and provide an outline for preparing study-visit reports;
Organize a stakeholder workshop within the overall guidance SBP to discuss the findings of the study-visits; develop the workshop program and agenda; and act as resource persons at the workshop;
Use the workshop findings to revise the draft secured transactions reform framework and prepare a policy, legal, regulatory, and institutional design input report;
Within the overall guidance of SBP organize a workshop to discuss the policy, legal, regulatory, and institutional design input report; develop the workshop program and agenda; and incorporate the workshop findings, as appropriate;
Based on the policy, legal, regulatory, and institutional design input report, develop the secured transactions legal reform framework; and integrate this with the design of the modern registration system developed by the secured transactions expert (registry) and inputs from other experts recruited under this TA;
Identify the information dissemination needs for two awareness-building workshops on the secured transactions legal framework and the design of a modern registration system.
Organize two awareness-building workshops on the secured transactions legal framework and design of modern registration system; develop the workshop program and agenda; act as a resource persons at the workshops.
List of Articles Published in Law Journals
Serial No |
Article Title |
Journal / Publisher |
01 |
Workers' Welfare Fund |
Under Publication |
02 |
Amelioration of Section 177 and its significances |
(2012) 106 Tax Art 1 |
03 |
Tax Refund Report |
Business Recorder Oct. 1, 1997 |
04 |
Mirza Tahir Hussain Report |
Westminster Hall debates Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2006 |
05 |
Sec. 65 & 66A of Repealed Ordinance vs Sec. 122 of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 |
(2005) 91 Tax Art. 46 |
06 |
Refund of Sales Tax |
Business Recorder Oct. 23, 2003 |
07 |
Search & Seizure in Sales Tax |
Business Recorder Dec. 22, 2003 |
08 |
Evolution of Tax Culture in Pakistan |
Tax Forum March 03, P. 33 |
09 |
Foreign Currency Accounts - Now and Before |
(2003) 88 Tax Art. 1 |
10 |
Service of Notice |
2003 PTD Jour 99 |
11 |
Sec. 12(18) and Sec. 39(3) of Income Tax Ord. 1979/2001, New Facets |
(2002) 86 Tax (Art.) 25 |
12 |
Ignorance of Law |
2001 PTD 279 |
13 |
Best Judgment Assessment |
2000 PTD 351 |
14 |
Penalties: Nature & Scope |
PTCL 2000 Jour 257 |
15 |
Broadening of Tax Base |
PTCL 2000 Jour 142 |
16 |
Taxing of Loan, Advance and Gift is Taxing |
(1997) 79 Tax Art. 1 |
17 |
Appeals in Fiscal Matters |
PTCL 1997 Jour 83 |
18 |
Revisional Power in IT Proceedings |
PTCL 1997 Jour 72 |
19 |
Retroactivity of Fiscal Laws |
PTCL 1996 Jour |
20 |
Quasi Judicial Proceedings |
1996 PTCLR Jour 20 |
21 |
Valuation of Immovable Property |
(1996) 73 Tax Art. 1 |
22 |
Writs or Remedies |
PTCL 1995 Jour 281 |
23 |
Right of Appeal in Income Tax Law |
(1995) 71 Tax Jour Art. 17 |
24 |
Retribution for Tax Subterfuge |
(1994) 69 Tax Art. 1 |
25 |
Anomalous Application of Sec. 12(18) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 1979 |
(1993) 68 Tax Art. 91 |
26 |
The Web of Sec. 13 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 1979 |
NTR 1993 Jour Art. 35 |
27 |
Abuse of Discretionary Power by Tax Authorities |
NTR 1993 Jour Art. 26 |
28 |
Tax on Presumptive Income |
“The Nation” dated Jan. 17, 1993 |
29 |
Rationalize Taxation |
Pakistan Times May 13, 1986 |
30 |
Evidentiary Value of Registered Documents |
(1983) 48 Tax 49 |
31 |
Evidence in Income Tax Proceedings |
(1983) 48 Tax 64 |
32 |
Self-Assessment Scheme in Income Tax |
(1982) 45 Tax 25 |
33 |
Tax Referencer on Income Tax Issues |
NTR, 1990, 1991, 1992 |
Table: List of Articles Published in Distinct Law Journals
List of Reported Judgments
Supreme Court
2013 SCMR 587 |
2006 PTCL 432 |
2006 PTD 2502 |
Table: List of Reported Judgments: Supreme Court
High Court
2015 PTD 2236 |
VOL: 10/7 TF24 |
(2012) 106 TAX 171 |
Table: List of Reported Judgments: High Court
Appellate Tribunal
(2009) 100 TAX 220 |
2006 PTD 2012 |
2005 PTD 342 |
Table: List of Reported Judgments: Appellate Tribunal
Core Competencies
Collaborative Skillset
Collaborative lawyers trust the wisdom of the group; lone wolves and isolationists do not do any good anymore.
Emotional Intelligence
Distant, detached lawyers are relics of the 20th century, the market no longer wants a lawyer who is only half a person.
Technological Affinity
If you can not effectively and efficiently use e-communications, and mobile tech, you might as well just stay home.
Time Management
Virtually a substantial part of lawyers difficulties in this regard lie with their inability to prioritise their time.