ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES - LLP | Energy Law Services - Pakistan

Arbitration Law
Arbitration Law & EnforcementThe Arbitration Practice Group at ZA-LLP assists the clients on account of negotiation, arbitration and mediation.

Energy Projects
Energy Projects & ScopeEnergy projects ensuing from international, multilateral, or even through bilateral agreements.

Industrial Law
Industrialisation & WorkmenIndustrial law relates to the governing of enterprises, inclusive of trade unions and employers workmen relationship.

Oil & Gas Law
Oil & Gas Law and PolicyThe Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas is entrusted with the responsibility of exploration and production.
Energy Law Practice in Pakistan

Energy laws are the prime authorities related to energy and power and administer the use and assessment of energy both renewable and non-renewable, in contrast, energy operational policy refers to the policy making of energy and use, includes the legal provision for oil, gasoline, and extraction along with contracts for siting, extraction, licenses for the acquisition and ownership rights in oil and gas both under the soil prior to discovery and after its capture, and adjudication regarding those rights.
We being experts as energy law attorneys can answer all your energy law questions and can defend you in courts. Attorneys specializing in Energy Law and related fields handle all cases involving all varieties of pollution, bio-energy, mining, oil spills, air and quality, and renewable resource cases. In recent years there has been a shift toward deregulation of various energy industries. Deregulation aims to increase market competition in order to ultimately serve the goal of cheap, reliable energy.
The firm's energy litigation practice encompasses virtually every aspect of oil and gas and energy-related disputes. Our lawyers in this practice area have vast experience in handling such matters before High Courts, Supreme Court of Pakistan and arbitrators, including a significant amount of experience in international and domestic arbitrations. Our clients include large integrated energy companies, independent oil and gas producers, purchasers and pipelines, as well as landowners, royalty interest owners and service companies.
Trial lawyers in each of our domestic offices practice in the area of oil and gas litigation. Our experience includes land and title disputes, working and royalty interest owner disputes, third party claims, joint operating agreement disputes, gas purchase contract litigation, products liability litigation, traditional tort and insurance defense litigation arising from oil and gas operations, antitrust litigation, Federal Energy Regulatory Committee (FERC) and other regulatory matters, false claims act litigation and energy-related environmental litigation. These disputes may arise in any aspect of the industry from the acquisition of leases, to the organization and administration of joint operating agreements, through all aspects of exploration, development, production and abandonment, and the sale, purchase and marketing of hydrocarbons.
Our clients have interests in virtually every oil and gas producing state and country in the world. Many of our trial lawyers practicing in the oil and gas and other regulatory matters, false claims act litigation and energy-related environmental litigation. These disputes may arise in any aspect of the industry from the acquisition of leases, to the organization and administration of joint operating agreements, through all aspects of exploration, development, production and abandonment, and the sale, purchase and marketing of hydrocarbons.
Some of the types of claims which our lawyers have handled--both from the plaintiff's and defendant's perspective--include the following. Results depend upon the facts of each case.
Energy law is the category of law encompassing usable power (as heat or electricity) and the resources for producing such power. Federal energy laws and regulations are designed to provide affordable energy by sustaining competitive markets, while protecting the economic, environmental, and security interests of Pakistan.
Issues associated with Energy Law include:
Table: Energy Law Issues
Zafar & Associates - LLP is a full service energy law firm. We provide general business law counsel to independent oil and gas producers and interest owners, and handle general civil litigation and all other proceedings before any Commission.
Zafar & Associates - LLP attorneys are well equipped to handle a wide variety of energy law matters:
Representation and advice for oil and gas operators, applicants and respondents on any proceedings, operating agreements and other energy contracts.
Civil and Complex Litigation involving contract disputes, class action lawsuits, gas marketing disputes, joint operating disputes, and all aspects of energy law.
Oil and Gas Litigation involving disputes over title, gas mis-measurement, surface damages, pollution, condemnation and all related issues.
Oil and Gas Title Opinions, Negotiation and interpretation of oil and gas contracts, including leases, joint operating agreements, exploration agreements, sales and purchase transactions surface damage agreements and other energy related contracts.
Environmental Law, including complaints of saltwater, oil or gas pollution, and compliance with state and federal regulations.
Employment Law Issues, including fair labor standards act claims and issues, discrimination claims, termination procedures and other employment law needs.
Expert advice, should you decide to participate with your interest in the drilling of a well.
Advice and counsel for working interest owners with gas balancing problems.
Advice concerning oil and gas acquisitions.
Royalty dispute resolution.
Advice and representation in probate proceedings involving oil and gas or other mineral interests.
Experienced Energy Law Attorneys
ZA-LLP represents producers, operators, and adjacent land owners in contracts and disputes involving energy law and land use issues. If you are a mineral owner who needs advice on your oil and gas interests, we can help you resolve questions about your mineral title. We can help you to negotiate and draft oil and gas leases, as well as other contracts to protect your interests. We will negotiate on your behalf with oil and gas operators and offer skilled advice should you decide to participate with your interest in the drilling of a well.
Perhaps you are a working interest owner with gas balancing problems or you need representation in a dispute with an oil and gas operator. ZA-LLP has successfully helped many people just like you with these important concerns. If you are an oil and gas operator, we have extensive experience with providing advice and representation in the following areas:
Contact the Energy Law Attorneys of ZA-LLP and tell us about your case. We can begin resolving your energy concerns today!
Full Service Energy Law Firm
Our full service energy law firm practices oil, gas and mineral law, business law, civil litigation, and represents clients in proceedings. ZA-LLP has established a reputation as one of the preeminent energy law firms in Pakistan. Even the largest Pakistani law firms can't match the number, experience, or quality of our energy law attorneys.
Our focused practice enables ZA-LLP attorneys to confidently handle a wide variety of energy law issues:
All aspects of oil and gas disputes and mineral disputes
Oil and gas title opinions
Negotiating and drafting of oil and gas lease contracts and other energy law contracts
Representation before any Commission
Complex civil litigation
Negotiation on your behalf with oil and gas operators
Representation in disputes with oil and gas operators
Expert advice should you decide to participate with your interest in the drilling of a well
Advice and counsel for working interest owners with gas balancing problems
Advice concerning oil and gas acquisitions
Royalty dispute resolution
Advice and representation in probate proceedings involving oil and gas or other mineral interests
Perhaps you need advice and representation on employment matters, with respect to fair labor standards act or discrimination claims, termination procedures, and other employment law needs. In addition, we can help you with regulatory and governmental agencies.
The full service energy law firm of ZA-LLP represents producers, operators, and adjacent land owners in contracts and disputes involving energy law and land use issues. We will provide you with sound legal advice, expert negotiating skills and effective dispute resolution in these matters.
The attorneys at ZA-LLP are experienced in handling complex litigation. Our litigation teams can provide you with the knowledge and expertise required to protect your interests. Our attorneys are intimately familiar with the laws affecting the energy industry, as well as related areas of commercial law, real estate, employment law, products liability, and tort litigation. We also have experience in class action suits and multi-district litigation.
We consider ourselves very privileged to have such an excellent group of lawyers at ZA-LLP. He or she has usually practiced law for many years, and is recognized for the highest levels of skill and integrity. This is their highest rating and cannot be purchased; it can only be earned from ratings by fellow lawyers and judges over a period of years.
Whether you are an individual with relatively simple legal issues or a company with a complex dispute, ZA-LLP will be glad to serve your needs and vigorously pursue a successful result. Our attorneys care about serving you well and are responsive to your concerns. We promptly return your calls and regularly keep you up to date on the progress of your case.
Our Core Competencies
Collaborative Skillset
Collaborative lawyers trust the wisdom of the group; lone wolves and isolationists do not do any good anymore.
Emotional Intelligence
Distant, detached lawyers are relics of the 20th century, the market no longer wants a lawyer who is only half a person.
Technological Affinity
If you can not effectively and efficiently use e-communications, and mobile tech, you might as well just stay home.
Time Management
Virtually a substantial part of lawyers difficulties in this regard lie with their inability to prioritise their time.