ZAFAR & ASSOCIATES - LLP | Law Practice Areas - Pakistan

Our law practice areas ranging from tax, corporate, contract enforcement, intellectual property, litigation and dispute resolution precisely detailed inside.
We have a strong presence in Karachi, Lahore and with network of offices at Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Gujrat, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Sheikhupura, Faisalabad, Multan and Peshawar and this expansion has been made to render professional services close to our clients.
In addition we have developed overseas links in USA, UK and other emerging markets of Europe, Australia, Middle East and Asia. As a firm, we are set out to provide a total commitment to our clients needs and to do so in a way that is efficient, cost effective and most importantly relevant to the issues that they face. This is ZA-LLP with the emphasis on professionalism in the following fields:
Find more information about our law practice areas in Pakistan, jurisdiction, coverage and our expertise on law practice domains associated with.

Administrative Law
Administrative and Authoritative Law
Administrative law encompasses laws and legal principles governing the administration and regulation of governmental authorities (both Federal and Provincial).

Aerospace & Aviation Law
Aerospace Law and Aviation Accidents
We assist to promote and regulate aviation activities and to develop an infrastructure for safe, efficient and coordinated air transport service.

Agribusiness Company
Agribusiness Incorporation & Registration
Agribusiness are companies and enterprises involved in cultivating and processing foods and other agricultural products.

Alternative Dispute Resolution
Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation
With its network of professional mediators, arbitrators, ZA-LLP provides a wide range of dispute resolution services to the legal community.

Apostille & Notarization
Apostille & Notarization Services
An apostille verifies the signatures / seals of a document whereas notarization certifies the authenticity of document’s signatures.

Appellate Practice
Appellate Tribunal, Federal & Provincial Ombudsman
The Appellate Practice Group at ZA-LLP provides representation and advice on a wide variety of appellate matters.

Arbitration Law
Arbitration Law & Enforcement
The Arbitration Practice Group at ZA-LLP assists the clients on account of negotiation, arbitration and mediation.

Asset Management Company
Asset Management Company Setup
A company that invests the pooled funds of retail investors in securities in line with the stated investment objectives.

Asset Search & Investigation
Search and Background Investigation Services
Our private detectives and investigators use many means to determine the facts in a variety of matters relating to search and investigation.

Attestation & Legalization
Attestation & Legalization Services
We provide professional document authentication, attestation and legalization service throughout the country.

Banking & Finance
Banking Law, Finance and Capital Markets
We deal in establishment, incorporation and share capital in banking companies, co-operative banks and financial institutions.

Blue Collar Crime
Blue Collar Crime and Prevention
Blue collar crimes are also crimes which are more visible, detected sooner, and occur on a more frequent basis than crimes of a white collar nature.

Brokerage Company
Brokerage Company Setup
The prime role of a brokerage company’s is to act as a middleman that connects buyers and sellers for facilitating a business transaction.

Business Law
Doing Business and Commercial Law Services
Whether your business is small or large, we view our role as facilitators to your company's continuing growth and expansion.

Business Tax Planning
Business Tax Planning and Solutions
We recognize the anxiety that is created when your tax verdict is unknown, the disappointment you realize when you unnecessarily paid too much.

Capital Markets
Capital Markets and Business Solutions
Capital markets are places where buyers and sellers do their business in buying or selling of financial securities like bonds or stocks etc.

Child Abduction Law
Based on PPC and CrPC
Child abduction is referred as the taking away, keeping, withholding or concealing of any child with the intent to detain or conceal.

Child Adoption
Based on Guardians and Ward Act
We offer comprehensive adoption services to birth mothers and adoptive parents in a caring and supportive manner.

Child Custody Law
Based on Guardians and Ward Act
Child custody arises as a burning issue after every divorce in Pakistan, which makes both parents know about child custody laws.

Citizenship & Residency
Citizenship / Residency by Investment
You may have the access of free global movement, economic opportunities in key business hubs alongside the better education and health care.

Civil Law & Civil Rights
Civil Law, Human Rights and Consumer Law
Thanks to their long experience in the field, firm provides its clients with both advice and comprehensive solutions.

Commercial Law
Commercial Law and related issues
Our aim is to always to add value to our clients' businesses by assisting them to achieve their commercial objectives in the most practical way.

Company Law
Company Setup and Registration
Our clients include companies of all sizes in many industries and the institutions that finance their operations and growth.

Company Secretarial Services
Company Secretary & Functions
Company secretarial services refer to the level of administrative and operational functions within a business entity.

Competition Law
Antitrust or Competition Law
Competition law is the body of legislation intended to prevent market distortion caused by anti-competitive practices.

Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law and Rights
Constitution is not an ordinary statute made in ordinary legal procedure but merely creation of a Constitutional Act.

Construction Company
Construction Company Registration
A Construction Company is a business enterprise concerned with construction of buildings, bridges etc.

Consumer Protection Law
Consumer Protection Law and Rights
Increasing competition and global commerce have changed the way patents are approached and managed.

Contract Law & Enforcement
Law of Contract and Enforcement
We focus on helping clients maintain their current and long-term competitive positions, by advising them at every step in contracting process.

Copyright Law
Copyright Law and Protection
Copyright protection subsists in original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed.

Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance and Deployment
Corporate governance is a term that refers broadly to the rules, processes, or laws by which businesses are operated, regulated, and controlled.

Corporate Law
Corporate Venture Capital
Our range of corporate legal services will enable you to safely implement a variety of corporate law transactions in a cost-effective manner.

Criminal Law
Criminal Law and Enforcement
Criminal Law is an extreme field of practice coverning all those aspects that entail crime as its factor.

Customs Law
Customs Law and Enforcement
Customs law is a duty, tax, charges, or imposts levied by the government on imported or exported goods.

Cybercrime Law
Cybercrime and Prevention
The attorneys at ZA-LLP provide a full spectrum of telecommunications advice, regarding regulation, transactions, and disputes in a variety of sectors.

Debt Collection
Debt Collection & Recovery
Taking legal action to reclaim debt should be a last resort, and often the threat is enough to make your customers pay you.

Defamation Law
Defamation Law and Liabilities
The term defamation is defined as holding up to a person to ridicule, scorn or contempt in a respectable and considerable part of the community.

Design Registration
Design Registration Services
Industrial designers focus on the physical appearance, functionality and manufacturability of a product, though they are involved during a development cycle.

Divorce Law
Divorce Law and Settlements
Divorce or dissolution of marriage is the ending of a marriage before the death of either spouse.

Drafting & Vetting
Drafting & Vetting of Agreements
Our agreements are simple to understand. We have deliberately done away with most of the jargon.

Due Diligence Services
Investigative Due Diligence Services
From retrieval of information inclusive of mortages, directors standing, shareholding records to hidden assets of judgment debtors and discreet inquiries.

E-Commerce Law
E-Commerce Law and Security
There are a number of E-commerce laws and guidelines to follow when operating in the E-commerce world.

E-Contract Services
Electronic Contract Services
E-contract is an agreement that is drafted, negotiated and executed by electronic means / the internet.

E-Governance Law
E-Governance Law and Enforcement
e-Governance law refers to the legal rules of administration, management and control, enforced by information technologies.

E-Waste Law
E-Waste Law and Enforcement
e-Waste law sets standards for protecting human health and the natural environment from the potential hazards of waste disposal.

Employment Law
Employment Law
Employment law is the set of laws and rules that regulate relationships between employers and employees, in smooth running of the business.

Energy Law
Energy Law and Enforcement
We being experts as energy law attorneys can answer all your energy law questions and can defend you in courts.

Energy Projects
Energy Projects and Implementation
We are the team of experts on implementing energy projects and can assist in energy related issues before all appropriate forums.

Enforcing the Foreign Judgment
Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
The enforcement of foreign judgments is the recognition and execution of transnational judgements or passed by a foreign court.

Environmental Law
Environmental Law and Enforcement
We help grassroots advocates, gain the skills and legal and scientific resources they need to challenge environmental abuses.

Escrow Services
Escrow Services & Agreements
We help our clients on account of escrow services along with the compilation of agreements as per clients' needs.

Estate Planning Law
Real Estate Planning & Implementation
Real estate group assists all who are involved in the dynamic real estate field from purchasers and sellers to borrowers and lenders.

Expert Witnesses
Expert Witnesses
Expert Witness teams having specialised knowledge through Education, Experience, Skill and Training in all areas relevant to finding resolution of Legal disputes.

Family Law
Family Law and Settlement
The English common law is more influential in commercial while the Islamic law is more influential in personal, of which our Legal System based upon.

Federal Excise Law
Federal Excise Law & Rules
Federal excise law is a legislated duty on specific goods or services at purchase such as tobacco, cement, automobiles and liquified natural gas.

Foreign Exchange Company
Exchange Company Setup
A foreign exchange company offers currency exchange and international payments to companies and private individuals.

Franchising Law
Franchising Law and Contracts
We've gained substantial expertise in helping companies with strong unit economics use franchising as a means of exploiting market opportunities.

Human Resource Manual
HR Manual and Employee Handbook
A human resource manual is a document detailing an organization's policies regarding employee management and relationship.

Human Rights Law
Human Rights and Protection
In several of them, they have defined the nature and scope in the changing contents of our political, social and economic life.

Immigration & Citizenship
Immigration Law & Citizenship Process
Our global emigration services are specifically tailored to assist our clients in traveling or migration to another country.

Import & Export Registration
Import & Export Registration Services
Import and export registration is a vital step of international trade, and to comply with laws and regulations of the country they are trading with.

Income Tax Law
Tax Law System & Applicability
Income tax law signifies a type of tax that governments impose on income generated by individuals and businesses within their jurisdiction.

Income Tax Rates
Updated Income Tax Slabs
Income tax rates describing the percentage at which individuals, corporate entities or other organizations are taxed.

Income Tax Refund
Tax Refund & Application
The relevant law, contain the provisions for issuance of refund, if Tax is paid in excess of the due amount or have been created as a result of appeal effect.

Income Tax Returns
Tax Returns & Procedure
Prior to the Registration and Filing of your Income Tax Return, it is suggestable that you should establish the basic understanding on these processes.

Industrial Law
Industrialisation and Workmen
Industrial law relates to the governing of industrial enterprises, inclusive of formation of trade unions and relationship between employers and workmen.

Inheritance & Succession Law
Inheritance & Succession Law Enforcement
Inheritance laws are statutes and rules that determine how individuals receive assets from the estate of a deceased family member.

Insolvency Law
Insolvency Law and Remedies
Insolvency is the condition of a person who is insolvent; inability to pay one s debts; and lack of means to pay one s debts.

Insurance Company
Insurance Company Setup
Insurance company underwrites the risk or loss of, personal and business assets (general insurance) and life and limb (life and accident insurance).

Insurance Law
Insurance Law and Remedies
Insurance transfers and allocates risks from the person taking the policy or "the insured" to the insurance company or "insurer".

IP Law Enforcement
Intellectual Property Enforcement Services
We are one of the leading IP laws firms with its network spread across Pakistan rendering IPR serving to its clients efficiently.

Intellectual Property Law
Intellectual Property Law and Protection
Our IP lawyers have strong technical backgrounds and extensive legal experience as in-house IP counsel and trademark examiners.

International Transactions
International Business & Trade
An international business transaction is the type of agreement between parties of two or more countries through sale, purchase, licensing and investment etc.

International Law
International Law and Practice
We work to promote international cooperation on civil legal procedures and provide assistance on a range of private international law matters.

International Tax Law
International Tax Law and Practice
Our foreign tax desk program has revolutionised the provision of international tax services.

Investment Law
Investment and Trade Law
The investors who want to make study for unforeseen problems may contact us for our reports on any project of their choice.

IT Services Company
IT Services Corporate Setup
The area of IT includes both computer technology alongside the telecommunication and embraces an array of technologies and related disciplines.

Joint Ventures
Joint Venture Law and Contracts
A Joint Venture is a legal organization that takes the form of a short term partnership in which the persons jointly undertake a transaction for mutual profit.

Labour Law
Labour Law
Labour law arbitrates the relationship between workers, engaging entities, trade unions and the government.

Land Acquisition Law
Land Acquisition and Remedies
Acquisition is the act of becoming the owner of certain property, the act by which one acquires or procures the property.

Leasing Law
Leasing Law and Remedies
There can be no lease without a present demise. A mere agreement to grant a lease in future will not be a lease.

Legal Translation Services
Legal Translation & Expertise
We are a team of legal language experts specialising in legal translation services for both domestic and international clients.

Limited Liability Partnership
LLP Registration & Regulations
Our team of experts best assist their clients in registering and regulating the affairs of LLP as well as the firm.

Liquefied Natural Gas Company
LNG Registration & Regulations
ZA-LLP helps to establish a Company to deal with Liquefied Natural Gas which changes the state of natural gas and turn it into liquid to ease the storage process

Litigation Practice
Litigation and Remedies
Our Litigation Department recognises that business litigation has become increasingly more complex and expensive.

Mediation Law
Mediation Rules & Process
The use of arbitration for resolving foreign investment disputes provides a safe haven especially for foreign investors involved in global economy.

Mergers & Acquisitions
Mergers and Acquisitions
Merger is a tool used by companies for the purpose of expanding their operations often aiming at an increase of their long term profitability.

Mirror Judgment / Order
Obtaining Mirror Judgments / Orders
A mirror judgment is issued by another court which contains the same terms as those that are contained in the judgment being mirrored.

Modaraba Company
Modaraba Company Setup
ZA-LLP helps to establish a Modaraba which is a unique and prime mode of non-interest Islamic financial system.

Mortgage Law
Mortgage Law and Remedies
The mortgagee has an interest in the property as a security for his debt subject to the important limitation, that so long as that interest subsists.

Non Banking Finance Company
NBFC Setup & Operations
Non banking finance companies (NBFCs), also known as non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) are entities that provide similar like banking and financial services.

Non Governmental Organization
Non Governmental Organizations Setup and Process
NGOs often impact the social, economic and political activities of communities and the country as a whole.

Offshore Company
Offshore Company Setup and Planning
An Offshore Company which is registered in any foreign country, does not conduct most of its business in the country where it is officially based.

Oil & Gas Law
Oil & Gas Law and Policy
The Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas is entrusted with the responsibility of exploration and production of oil and natural gas.

Patent Law
Patent Law and Protection
Increasing competition and global commerce have changed the way patents are approached and managed.

Payroll Services
Payroll Services & Applicable Solutions
Business Process Outsourcing services cater to businesses which need to outsource those tasks which are mundane and voluminous.

Personal Injury
Law of Negligence and Legal Remedies
Learn about accident law, including dangerous drugs, toxic torts, defective products, medical malpractice and filing an insurance claim.

Pharmaceutical Company
Pharmaceutical Company Establishment
ZA-LLP, a Law Firm helps to establish Pharmaceutical Companies, also known as drug companies which are licensed for commercial businesses.

Process Service
Process Service and Our Access
You'll be speaking with friendly, knowledgeable, professional representatives who know how to serve process.

Provident Fund
Provident Fund
Common retirement plan to benefit the employees, which is contributory in nature and yields a feeling of participation in employees

Provisional Refusal
Provisional Refusal Services
Provisional refusal means a declaration made by the IPO, outlining the grounds on the which protection / acceptance of mark cannot be granted.

Real Estate Law
Real Estate Law and Solutions
We deal with all kinds of property cases including Transfer of Property by Act of Parties, Sale, Mortgage, Lease and all kinds of Claims.

Recruitment Company
OEP Establishment & Licensing
Recruitment companies act as the go-between for employers and jobseekers, and work to find suitable candidates to fill their vacancies.

Sales Tax Law
Sales Tax Law & Enforcement
Sales tax is an indirect tax and is generally charged at the point of purchase or exchange of certain taxable goods, as a percentage of the value of the product.

Sales Tax Refund
Sales Tax Refund & Procedure
If a registered person has overpaid sales tax because of error, he / she may request a refund of the overpaid amount from the relevant tax authorities.

Sales Tax Returns
Sales Tax Returns & Procedure
Every person registered under the Sales Tax Act,1990, or the Federal Excise Act, 2005, is required to file a Sales Tax Return.

Satellite Launch Contracts
Satellite Contracts & Space Law
Space contracts are not entirely novel contracts but they borrow pre-existing shapes and molds. ZA-LLP is capable to help you out.

Security Services Company
Security Services Company Setup
A private security company is a security company which provides armed and unarmed security services and expertise to private and public clients.

Telecommunication Company
Telecommunication Company Setup
Telecommunication companies created the infrastructure that allows data in words, voice, audio, or video to be sent anywhere in the world.

Textile Company
Textile Company Incorporation
A Textile Company is a type of business or company that buys and sells a variety of fabric or textile.

Trademark Law
Trademark Registration and Protection
Registering a trade mark will give its owner the right to exclusively use, license or sell the mark within the categories for which it is registered.

Travel Agency
Travel Agency Setup & Operation
Zafar & Associates-LLP assist people in obtaining their Licences of Travel Agencies in Pakistan from the relevant authorities.

University Setup
University Setup
Zafar & Associates-LLP can assist in establishing a new university in Pakistan. It is a multi-step process which involves compliance with the legal formalities.

White Collar Crime
White Collar Crime and Prevention
White-collar crimes have a drastic effect over the economy and financial state of a country.